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Kajian seorang neurosurgeon Profesor Dr. Vini Gautam Khurana dari US membuktikan penggunaan telefon bimbit selama 10 tahun boleh menggandakan kemungkinan mengidap kanser otak. Beliau yang pernah memenangi 14 anugerah dan menerbitkan lebih 36 kertas kerja sains telah melaksanakan kajian selama 15 bulan untuk mencari kaitan antara penggunaan telefon bimbit dan ketumbuhan otak.
Walaupun sebelum ini pelbagai kajian telah dibuat oleh saintis di merata pelosok dunia, bezanya dengan kajian Profesor Khurana ialah beliau mengambil sampel dari kalangan pengguna tegar telefon bimbit sejak 10 tahun lalu kerana beliau mendapati sel kanser mengambil masa sekurang-kurangnya 10 tahun untuk terbentuk.
Kata beliau, rokok membunuh 5 juta orang setiap tahun dan pengguna telefon bimbit pula lebih kurang 3 billion dan semakin bertambah. Ini membuktikan telefon bimbit bakal menjadi ‘agen pembunuh’ yang lebih hebat dari rokok beberapa tahun akan datang. Malah penggunaan telefon bimbit dikalangan anak-anak kecil lebih merbahaya kerana mereka lebih terkesan dengan radiasi berbanding orang dewasa.
Justeru itu, CAP telah menggesa kerajaan menwar-warkan kajian Profesor Khurana supaya rakyat mengetahui bahaya telefon bimbit serta mengambil langkah-langkah pencegahan seperti menggunakan speakerphone dengan jarak 20cm apabila bercakap.
Antara tips-tips yang boleh dikongsi adalah seperti berikut:
Look’s good but is it safe?
SAFETY TIPS: The following important points regarding mobile phone safety should be kept in mind:Laporan penuh kajian tersebut belum didapati di Brain-Surgery.us dan format PDFnya boleh dimuatturun dengan menggunakan link ini.
1. Bluetooth ear-piece devices are NOT safe. Microwaves generated by the mobile phone are wirelessly transferred and directly transmitted into the ear canal and surrounding head region via the coupled blue tooth device.
2. Wired ear-pieces are NOT safe unless they are specifically shielded against electromagnetic radiation. Wearing an ear-piece connected by a wire to a mobile phone in essence converts the user’s head into an antenna for the base-station.
3. Home-based cordless phones do not emit as much electromagnetic radiation as conventional mobile phones, however they are NOT to be regarded as being safe owing to the longer usage time (typically cheaper calling rates) associated with home-based calling plans. Using such phones for less time and on “speaker-phone” mode with the cordless phone held at least 20 cm from the head is a safer alternative to holding them close to the side of the head.
4. The desktop base stations associated with cordless phones emit a constant electromagnetic radiation plume of up to 3 metres in diameter, and so are best not kept close to the head for prolonged periods of time such as overnight.
5. “Walkie-talkies” are NOT safe. They emit very high levels of electromagnetic radiation, up to 50 times more than a mobile phone.
6. Keeping a mobile phone close to one’s head overnight is NOT safe. Even “at rest”, the mobile will regularly emit a pulsed microwave signal to its closest base station in order for the mobile phone’s position to be tracked in order to maintain its expected service.
7. A regular landline IS safe, in fact this remains one of the safest forms of electronic verbal communication.
8. Using the “speaker phone” option on a mobile phone, with the phone held at least 20 cm from the head is a safer alternative (inverse square law for radiation fall-off), however, this naturally compromises the privacy of the communication to some extent.
9. Using a mobile phone via hands-free car kit (where the car speakers and car microphone are used instead of the mobile phone being held to the side of the head) IS safe. Here, the car roof acts as the antenna, and the user’s head is at an acceptable distance from both the roof and the phone (inverse square law for radiation fall-off).
10. Children should NOT use mobile or cellular phones unless in an emergency. A child’s brain is structurally developing well into adolescence, has a greater relative water content and lower volume compared with an adult’s brain, and subject to more “plasticity” (structural and functional reprogramming) at a microscopic level. It is logical to expect that exposing a child’s brain to cell phone radiation is likely to cause cellular damage that, in due course, may lead to brain cancer.
Berita ini dipetik dari The Star
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